Hi Everyone!
I have a pypilot hat on a RPi4 which has a nifty NMEA0183 input output interface with 4 terminal screws. I had my NAIS400 connected - worked great saw all the sentences read by SignalK. Now I got this older triple function Airmar throuhull
sensor for
water speed
depth water temp and bought this Actisense DST-2 to interface the throughull.
Sofar so good - connected DST2 module connected the temp part and in pypilot webinterface activated the
nmea input and confirmed 4800bps and it showed data coming into hat. I powered off DST2 and dataflow stopped. good. but SignalK did not get the sentences also did not show in a
linux terminal.
So I dug into python source and I think SeanDePagnier is stating somewhere that the parsing is limited to a handful pypilot and
wind related sentences.
Any chance of easily expanding the repertoire of what it can read and forward in the code?
Sorry for long explanation and thanks for consideration.
Everybody have a great time!
MV Unicorn