11-01-2025, 15:37
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Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
done this morning on board and double checked at home:
Raspberry 4/5 with Bookworm ARM64 Wayland.
O 5.10.2-2
no plugin installed for autopilot/route, with the program itself.
activate a route and the route window displayed in the middle of the screen and no way to move it.
I've tested the same in my desktop windows 11 O 5.10.2-0 and the route window appears in the right side that do not disturb the sight but also cannot move it.
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. -------------
,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64
,$$P' `$$$. Host: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 6.6.69-v8+
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 18 mins
$$P d$' , $$P Packages: 1788 (dpkg)
$$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 5.2.15
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Resolution: 1920x1080
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' DE: labwc:wlroots (Wayland)
`$$b "-.__ WM: labwc
`Y$$ Theme: PiXflat [GTK3]
`Y$$. Icons: PiXflat [GTK3]
`$$b. Terminal: lxterminal
`Y$$b. Terminal Font: Monospace 10
`"Y$b._ CPU: Cortex-A72 (4) @ 1.800GHz
`""" GPU: V3D 4.2
Memory: 3402MiB / 7820MiB
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave
11-01-2025, 19:47
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
1. Are you using any sort of "screen scaling"?
2. Is it same behavior on X11 instead of Wayland?
12-01-2025, 01:40
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
I actually see the same on RPi4 & RPi5 Bookworm Wayland-labwc using master code. (No "scaling")
12-01-2025, 02:43
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Hi Dave,
1. no scaling at all.
2. I use a lot this feature in X11 (for autopilot and to know the course to steer if not using the autopilot comm) and the windows appears in an area that didn't disturb, now I cannot remember if I could move it.
during summer I used X11, but around beginning of the fall during a system update I was recommended to use Wayland, and I did it.
well, the result was a disaster, because my RPi5 never started again so I must install from zero, and I installed Wayland by default.
on RPi4 the exchange from X11 to Wayland there was no problem, but I see in both happens the same.
I still haven't sailed with RPi5 and Wayland, so, I haven't test in deep, but I guess that all these things from now on will surge as I'm testing the boat and the computer too.
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12-01-2025, 04:14
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
I've used Wayland on one device since labwc was introduced and now on all my Pi when it was newly updated.
Apart from this console dialog mismatch I've not seen any obstacles.
12-01-2025, 09:08
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
How about a little tutorial on "labwc" ?
Is that now the default WM for Wayland on rPI?
12-01-2025, 11:24
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
I've no tutorial except you set in raspiconfig if needed.
My history is I once installed labwc on one Rpi as advised by Nohal.
For the others there was later a system update introducing Wayland-labwc and asked if I would like to change to that or not. I agreed to change and the apt-(full)upgrade changed the raspiconfig settings for next reboot.
Edit: If it's the default for a fresh Raspbian image I don't know.
12-01-2025, 11:27
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Thanks for the info.
From what I can read online, labwc is the way to go. Clean, minimal, non-intrusive, ideal for limited resource systems.
12-01-2025, 11:39
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Originally Posted by Hakan
there was later a system update introducing Wayland-labwc and asked if I would like to change to that or not. I agreed to change and the apt-(full)upgrade changed the raspiconfig settings for next reboot.
that was the same for me first in RPi5, I was suggested to update to Wayland, but the problem was that this never start again and must do a clean install with Wayland activated.
in the RPi4 the same history, but the upgrade after install was successful.
as far as I remember from the last installations in the Raspberries (in the last three months), one because above problem and in the other because of corruption of SSD, that Wayland comes as default.
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave
12-01-2025, 11:47
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Yes, Wayland from start was a disaster, agree. labwc is though updated the last weeks.
In (sudo) raspi-config you can select Wayland including labwc (w3)
12-01-2025, 11:59
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Hi Hakan,
as you can see in my first post, in the neofetch results, the Wayland labwc was activated in my RPi, but I've done a double check in raspi-config, setting-up again to option w3, restarted machine and checked in O, activate a route and still the data windows is placed in the center of the screen and no way to move it.
as you well know is a real pain in the as... when sailing to have it in the middle of the screen disturbing the center of the chart and ship's position too
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave
12-01-2025, 14:05
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
I experienced this as well with Wayland. The route dialog displayed correctly when I switched to X. But under X, OpenCPN crashed when I opened the options dialog. Then I tested flatpak vs. Vanilla. Every combination mostly worked, with a single thing that was a deal breaker. This was an rpi5 with a fresh install of Openplotter, using the Openplotter software installer. I spent way too much time on it.
While I like the rpi for some things, I am firmly in the camp that Windows is the best platform for OpenCPN. Far less problems, and far easier to get working.
12-01-2025, 14:50
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Yes, I agree with everything you say. As I said before: Apart from the Console window I haven't found any other obstacles so far. The Console window do need to be fixed in some way so it is placed along the right edge as on other systems. If it's a Wayland or OCPN issue will be up to the Linux developers I think?
13-01-2025, 02:13
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
Originally Posted by wholybee
While I like the rpi for some things, I am firmly in the camp that Windows is the best platform for OpenCPN. Far less problems, and far easier to get working.
Absolutely agreed with you, IMO windows 11 (x64 & ARM64) is the easiest way to have OCPN.
Now I wonder to be ride off x86 version and having new build for Windows x64 & ARM64, it should be nice to have native versions, I guess that the memory and big files management plus working natively in our systems should be the future of this marvellous software.
Roses don't bloom on the sailor's grave
14-01-2025, 06:52
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Re: Position of route windows in Raspi Wayland
hi, the same for me :
openCPN and rpi 4.2 linux bookworm latest version (debian+Wayland).
(it's an installation outside, without openplotter)
when you ask to navigate to here and the navigation panel is displayed,
it is incorrectly positioned.
it is centered on the screen instead of to the right.
if you open the options and close them, the position calculation is then repeated correctly and the panel moves to the right.
This happens in portrait or landscape mode.
in the settings the calculation of the screen width is automatic.
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