Sorry for my poor english is not my natural language.
You certainly know Konni as he wrote a fabulous logbookkonni.
As i saw in OpenCpn forum a future plugin weather-routing I asked to konni to develop a specific plugin to elaborate Polar boat from : VDR file, or records stored in logbook (more accurate than plugin unknown records when engine is started) or manual.
I tested his plugin. Is very useful and simply to manipulate.
Hope it will have succeful as his logbookkonni.
To Pavel :
Please, can you consider or send him a feedback about your request for the logbook integration in newer version of OpenCpn. Konni wrote me this last week
For the logbook extentions in the main-prg. i contacted Pavel and he wrote that he will implement, but nothing happend.
Maybe it depends on the functions they have allready wrote for KML in the mainprg., but the logbook needs my extentions, not only for KML.
Thanks to all for your feedback about Polar plugin and hope it will help you to obtain accurate routing for weather-routing.
To Pavel :
Please, can you consider or send him a feedback about your request for the logbook integration in newer version of OpenCpn. Konni wrote me this last week
I'm not Zaphod Beeblebrox, there are still just two hands and one head attached to my body. It is on the list.
Thank you I will try your new polar. I was just asking Sean if he would ever consider doing such a program. If you will do a search on polauto by patrick terceilin you will find a Windows program that is graphical and has many filters. I have tested this program and helped Patrick using VDR and NavMonPC with Hartmut's Nmea files and it works.
So I will also be very interested in this new polar recorder.
Thank you.
PS: Konni, I hope you are feeling and are much better.
PSS: Pavel you are too good to us. We depend on you. Zaphod Beeblebrox? -who is it?
It's not a problem and all know how you are certainly very busy. But when Konni has not reply or new about his work he thank he work for nothing.
After worked with him (not develop) but suggest idea etc... I can say he is a very good help for the OpenCpn community. So don't be offended by my last post. I just try to remenber it.
To Rgleason
I know Polauto and test it. I had communicate with Tierp (Patrick Tiercelin) about it last year. He made a very good software but unfortunatly not include in opencpn as a plugin (Patrick had developed his own logbook sailing and we had exchange about it and his polar software).
OpenCpn is a very good software and community is very responsive. Opencpn is opensource and I'm fervent defenser of it. I also collaborate with Giletarom to translate Logbookkonni ;-).
I just want to see OpenCPN evolve and become the best of sailing software. That why I try to collaborate as I can.
So Thanks to all to continue your collaboration for this fabulous software. I think Polar is a very good complement to the very good weather-routing plugin. Sure it will help most of sailor to create there own polar.
As I am, I will have request to the developer of VDR plugin to contribute of a new functionality for logbookkonni. If it's possible i will add a new post about that.
In polar plugin, you have some filters (select type of analyze VDR, Logbook...) and you can define (if you select methode logbook) which sails have to be draw in the diagram and depend on the wind.
You need to use last logbookkonni to select and log using sails during your sailing ;-)
I tried the dll and it shows in Settings, enabled it, tried m/sec preference, then closed settings, and tried the polar icon, nothing seemed to happen. Is this dependent on a data stream? Tried VDR and Hartmut's recorded Nmea file with AIS and Wind data (30mb) and Opendebugger to see Nmea data, and the Polar plugin would not open then tried a simpler file. no dice.
Using v3.3.424
What am I doing wrong?
appended is a newer version, maybe it's running better now.
i stopped four weeks ago the dev. of the plugin and adjusted the logbook (1.2)
to wxwidgets 2.9.x (i'll upload it in a few minutes).
it was a real pain.
if i'm able to do do it, i convert OCPN to QT. That's at the moment my main-goal.
the sourcecode of the polar is not available on git at the moment, but it it compiles on Kubuntu 13.04 and MacOS.
konni, this looks like a very good start! Have tried it again with Opencpn v3.3.604 Windows7. Using NavMonPC to read Harmut*.nmea file with two Virtual ports configured, and Serial6 Connection at 38400baud in Opencpn. AISRadar is up. Icon is in bar and enabled. Click does nothing.
Where is the polar. I wonder why it does not work.
If you would like Hartmut's nmea go to Plugin Threads -Post #57
and log in, go to Nmea and download it.
I just thought that perhaps it will not run under Opencpn.3.3.604 which has error checking!
I should try the opencpn3.3.424 version!
Or I should compile it on MSVC using your git for Opencpn3.3.604.
I apologize if that is the problem, I am just getting familiar with development, reeally.
I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for the links.