Hello all
OpenCPN supporters !
Continuing our Beta test, here is RC1 v5.1.620
Here are the links for Windows and Mac
installation packages.
The downloadable installers for Mac and Windows are here:
linux users running a debian-derivative distribution, you may install the Beta using your distro's package management tools.
Packages for Trusty, Xenial, Bionic, and Focal are available from the
OpenCPN Beta PPA.
Please note that above links are fixed, and will not reflect the ongoing daily build cycles.
If you need to test a feature that you know or suspect has been fixed or added by a daily build, you may find it here:
Here is a list of some of the corrections and new features in this Beta release:
RC1 5.1.620
1. Correct MBTile chart selector button rendering (Red X)
2. Improve Dashboard preferences font selector GUI feedback.
3. Correct MUIBar chart scale indicator on program startup.
4. Correct
plugin chart scale startup persistence.
5. Correct persistence of Waypoint Properties dialog position.
6. Correct tide/current window event rendering on Ubuntu 20.04.
The RC1 is a "Release Candidate". In theory, only the Version Indicator text shall be changed to create a formal Release. Only significant and reproducible bugs will be addressed in this test cycle. Minor bugs with workarounds available will be allowed to stand.
Of course, in practice, we will consider each bug reported on its own "merits".
Getting close now...
Dave and the OCPN Team