Open CPN 3.2.2 works fine on my Mac with OSX10.9 Mavericks and a Bluetooth GPS. OK it sometimes takes a couple of start ups for it to recognise my BT device but it did that on OSX 10.6 as well. I use an old set of CM93 charts which I admit I have not bothered to correct for WGS84 datum but as my tertiary navigation system and as an offline log of where I have been or where I'd like to go it works perfectly well.
I have a MACBook Pro. I have OpenCPN 5.0.1 running. From previous purchase I have a purchased Canadian license to use Canadian Hydrographic charts. Can I use these charts on OpenCPN? How?
I have a MACBook Pro. I have OpenCPN 5.0.1 running. From previous purchase I have a purchased Canadian license to use Canadian Hydrographic charts. Can I use these charts on OpenCPN? How?
Are these new, raster charts in BSB3 format (.kap) or former licensed charts in BSB4 format?
BSB3 charts you can as "as is" in OpenCPN.
Copy them into a directory on your Mac and point OCPN to the directory at Options|Charts|Chart Files
"Apply" and you shall see the charts.
If they are really BSB3 - licensed not that long ago....
Just give it a try.
And btw.: for Canada you have the Canadian oeSENC sets at too. ENCs or Vector charts. Source is CHS as well.
Thank You BCN,
I have it running on my Macbook. The Canadian maps are responding. At least the Inside Passage ones I purchased last year. I'll look at getting the oeSENC maps before I venture out and around the Outside of Vancouver Island.
Can not wait til I can get up on the boat and interconnect with my AIS and see the whole package working.