Hi everybody,
I'm supporting two people with a
sensor how much
fuel is still in the tank.
This is done with a microcontroller ESP8266. This microcontroller connects to the
boats Wifi and then sends NMEA-Data over WiFi-UDP to a
laptop running
The receiving of the data was working. Now after some minot changes but no changes to how the WiFi-connection works
OpenCPN does no longer receive the UDP-messages. Port is correct.
If I connect the ESP8266 microcontroller with USB-cable openCPN is able to receive the NMEA-data.
I have some questions in the Options window the IP-adress is
The ipV4-IP-Adress of the
laptop is 192.168.1.
If I look up the Arduino-IDE
serial monitor I can see UDP sended to 192.168.1.
125. Difference
.225 to
Doe this mean the ESP8266 is just sending to the wrong IPadress?
Does UDP need a receiver-IP-adress?
Is there a broadcasting IP-adress that could be used so all devices in the same
network can receive the UDP-messages?
What can I do to narrow down the problem?
Can you recommend an android-App that can send pre-configured UDP-messages. For testing the receiving?
Where can I read in the manual about what UDP-setting does what in the OpenCPN-options Window?
best regards Stefan