Hello All,
Here is a new problem that we have not faced so far.
I downloaded the last GRIB at SkyRon for the area called "Cherbourg". And I posted this grib with the GRIB
plugin. More precisely, I only displayed the "Currents" data contained in this Grib file.
Simultaneously, I clicked the currents icon in the
OpenCPN Icons bar.
Generally, the
current arrows of grib and those of
OpenCPN are almost in the same direction, and with intensity difficult to compare but which seems consistent.
On the other hand, sometimes for certain time slots of the Grib file, the arrows may have reverse directions locally.
It is the quality of the data contained in the two files, Skyron and OpenCPN which probably explains this.
The question then is: Which of the two sources of information is most credible?
Personally, in view of the progress being made here in
Europe, on the observation of currents in the Channel, using the satellites and
current forecasting models that have been put in place, I tend to think that the data from SkyRon are more reliable than OpenCPN data.
See the screenshot below.