On my hdu I have installed opencpn with ubuntu - navigatrix.
ttyS0 must be on 4800 baud, ttyS1 on 57600 baud. But when I startup both are on 4800baud, when I change the baudrate in connections, nothing changes.
When I do : sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS1 57600 the baud rate is changed, but everytime when I resart I have to type that again.
How can I get this changes permanent ?
The best you can do is debug around https://github.com/OpenCPN/OpenCPN/b...hread.cpp#L834 and find out what the real problem is.
If you can't do it, please file a bug in the tracker (more info, like if the port is a real RS-232 port or an USB converter welcome) and write a launcher script calling stty for you.
Hello Pavel,
I am not familiar with linux programming.
The computer I use is based on a D2500H board with Intel Atom D410 processor and 2 serial com poorts.
When I do the same under windows everything works fine !
Hi ! Has just tested under linux ( Xinutop) running 3.3.2302 and setting up two comports at 4800 and 57600 baud works just fine as excepted even after restarting opencpn and also fine after reeboot.
I installed xinutop-nav-13.05.img but I still have the same problem.
Changing baudrate in opencpn to 57600bd does not change, stays on 4800bd.
Typing : sudo stty -F /dev/ttyS1 57600, changes the baud rate to 57600 and it works.
My input is coming from a miniplex mux !
# ubuntu
deb Index of /ubuntu precise main multiverse restricted universe
deb Index of /ubuntu precise-updates main restricted universe
deb Index of /ubuntu precise-backports main multiverse restricted universe
deb Index of /ubuntu precise-security main multiverse restricted universe
To update xinutop is a bit to complicated for me as linux starter.
I also tested on Linux Mint 17 -Mate and Cinnamon and it is not working.
Is it possible to make a batch file with the command `sudo stty -F /dev/tty S1 57600` before we start opencpn ?
To update xinutop is a bit to complicated for me as linux starter.
I also tested on Linux Mint 17 -Mate and Cinnamon and it is not working.
Is it possible to make a batch file with the command `sudo stty -F /dev/tty S1 57600` before we start opencpn ?
No, it is not so complicated for a Linux starter.
In the menu left lower corner at the Xinutop desktop, open the menu and start Terminal Emulator from the menu.
With the cursor inside the black terminal window, type ( Copy&Paste:
sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list
and then press enter.
In the text editor thart opens, look for the line:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nohal/opencpn/ubuntu precise main
Is this line there ?? If Yes, everything is ok. If not, copy the line above and paste into a new line in the editor, then press save.
press exit from the mousepad text editor.
Now, go th the black terminal window, copy this code:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
and paste into the terminal window, ( be sure the computer is connected to internet) press enter and wait for the conmputer to update. If you are asked co confirm, press Y and enter. Upgrade process will start. When finished, reeboot your computer and all is done.