On both OC 4.8.6 and 4.8.4 on Raspberry Pi3 with Openplotter v0.17.1 when zooming or panning the screen OC shuts down, and looses all the current track info.
I would welcome pointers as to where to start looking?
Search on forum suggested it might be linked to faulty track info, but problem has occurred, with all tracks hidden except current one.
All Raspberry are known to be very sensitive for power voltage. What you describe could be power loss? Are you sure the power supply is sufficient. Many says you must have 3 A capacity and no loose connection.
All Raspberry are known to be very sensitive for power voltage. What you describe could be power loss? Are you sure the power supply is sufficient. Many says you must have 3 A capacity and no loose connection.
Power supply is a 3A unit so should be OK. No other problems with the Rpi or OpenCpn other than when zooming or panning, when it just shuts down.
Power supply is a 3A unit so should be OK. No other problems with the Rpi or OpenCpn other than when zooming or panning, when it just shuts down.
Is open gl enable?
Are you compiling and installing different versions in different folders? I've seen stuff like that, more or less random, with incompatible plugins, in this case OPENCPN_PLUGIN_DIRS may help.