Originally Posted by bcn
In the log file you shall see if the chart directory contains the GSSHG is getting included.
You can try to delete your entry of GSHHG from the chart directory list and then include it again. "Apply". This shall provoke a rescan of the chart data base and the inclusion of the newly added directory.
The base map which comes with OpenCPN is found at the application itself.
This is in the log-file.
9:17:05 PM: Loading World Chart Q=0 in 0 ms.
9:17:05 PM: Background world map loaded from GSHHS datafiles found in: C:\Users\hasse\Documents\Charts\GSHHG\
9:17:05 PM: Loading World Chart Q=4 in 0 ms.
9:17:05 PM: Warning: Color not found CHGRD
Actually I do get i more detailed map when the GSHHG entry is in the chart listing.
What if I move the GSHHG file to the OpenCPN program directory ?
In that case what should the directory name be to enable OpenCPN to find them ?
Maybe the weather routing needs to have the base map in the program tree ?