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Old 06-09-2012, 14:20   #1
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OpenCPN 3.0.2 Crash on Mac OS X Lion

I was trying to export all of my waypoints, which I had previously done. However, I changed one of the waypoints coordinates and attempted to re-export all of the waypoints again. The problem is that OpenCPN quit responding (spinning beachball) and I had to force quit the program. Immediately after restarting OpenCPN and attempt to create a new waypoint the program crashes. However, if I let the program sit for a few minutes, it allows me to create new waypoints. Pretty strange.

Mac Pro, 2x2.66ghz dual-core Xeon
5gb RAM
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Old 09-09-2012, 18:38   #2
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Re: OpencpN 3.0.2 crash on Mac OS X Lion

I am now experiencing continuous crashes any time I run OpenCPN. I think my problems began as written about in the OP, but something else I realize is that during the second save/export of the waypoints I told OpenCPN to overwrite the previously exported data file. That is when all of my problems began. I got the dreaded spinning beach ball for approximately 10 minutes and so I force-quit the program. Now if I open the program and go to the routes manager and click on the waypoints tab the program immediately crashes. This is consistent and repeatable, so it should be something the development team can nail down.

Is this forum monitored by members of the development team or is this a user-helping-user forum? I posted this issue in the tracker, but I doubt I'll ever hear anything.

I am now at a complete standstill with this program. I guess I'll look elsewhere for a navigation solution...

Thanks to anyone who may have some pointers of how to fix this. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the program.
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Old 09-09-2012, 21:17   #3
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Re: OpencpN 3.0.2 crash on Mac OS X Lion


O ye of little faith....

The developers watch this forum regularly. It is the main source of developer feedback during Beta testing.

I see your Flyspray task. It is in the right place, and will be closed in some manner before the next Release.

Meanwhile, what we need to address the current issue is your logfile, your opencpn.conf file, and your navobj.xml file. One or more of these files is causing the hang issue. If you delete them all, OpenCPN should start back up with defaults, and you will be back up and running.

I doubt this is a Mac specific issue. Probably some mal-formed xml in the navobj file. Lets take a look.

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Old 25-09-2012, 10:06   #4
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Re: OpenCPN 3.0.2 Crash on Mac OS X Lion

My brand new installation of OpenCPN 3.0.2 crashes whenever I click on the Charts tab. I've not installed any charts nor have I been able to find out how. The log file claims the target directory of the charts doesn't exist but if I create the directory it doesn't solve the problem. Thoughts?
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