Confusing yes, but below is my correspondence (deidentified):
Good day sir,
Yes that is correct, we are now only distributing BSB v3 raster charts.
Thank you
Darrin Thorne
-----Original Message-----
Sent: February-14-18 3:11 PM
To: NCR CHS Info
English / Info Anglais SHC RCN(DFO/MPO)
Subject: CHS raster charts: are they now BSB v4 or BSB v3?
Hello there,
Some confusion (for me) whether your raster nautical charts are currently BSB version 4 or version 3.
This web page indicates BSB3:
CHS - Price List
But this web page indicates BSB4:
CHS - CHS Official Products and CHS Licenced Manufacturers
A chart distributor indicated to me you recently reverted back to BSB v3. Can you please confirm.