Hi there,
I have a new macbook pro, alongside a Digital Yacht AIS100PRO and GPS150. I've installed the latest version of Open CPN-3.2.2
The problem I'm having is neither the
GPS or
AIS is being recognised by
Open CPN.
I have both units wired onto a fully charged 12v
battery. The
AIS has it's green LED on.
I have the green and yellow
NMEA 'outs' of the
GPS connected to the green and yellow
NMEA 'ins' of the AIS respectively, i.e.; yellow to yellow, green to green.
I've installed one Digital Yacht driver from their CD-USB driver for AIS units.
I've installed the device within Open CPN's settings and applied.
But the little dot in the top right hand corner of
Open CPN is still red. I believe it should be green when the GPS and AIS is talking to it.
I'm sure it's very simple when you know how!