Hello, sorry for my bad
English but I'll try to be clear!
First thank at the communauty who developp this geant program! It's
work better than expensives applications!!!
But I have a question : How to you do to import-export Waypoint from and to a
Furuno GP3x
GPS? I understand how Import-Export GPX data but unfortunatly GP3x don't use this protocole! It use a proprieretary
NMEA protocole look like :
$PFEC,GPwpl,0000.000,N,00000.000,E,CURSOR,,@rSYS.W P(NO ENTRY),A,,,,
$PFEC,GPwpl,3823.920,N,02106.551,E,MOB ,,@q08-JUN-08 17:22 ,A,,,,
$PFEC,GPwpl,4729.350,N,00306.054,W,START ,,@r31-MAY-11 21:11 ,A,,,,
Have you a solution or do you plan a developpement on this point?
Thank a lot
Gilles on SINE DIE (Ovni 385)