Boat: Shin Fa 458 Custom Cutter but looks like a Liberty 458
Posts: 370
Open CPN and a Garmin Hockey Puck GPS
I'm getting OpenCpn installed on my MacBook and am trying to get the Garmin Hockey PuckGPS to work with it. So far no good. Doesn't seem to recognize it. Any suggestion as to what buttons to push that I haven't?
All the little Apple products like the IPad, phone etc., will only work with a proprietary GPS, Garmin does not make one of those, I don't know about a Macbook.
I use this one as it works with Apple and everybody else, you have to switch back and forth, it will not do both simultaneously
Boat: Shin Fa 458 Custom Cutter but looks like a Liberty 458
Posts: 370
Re: Open CPN and a Garmin Hockey Puck GPS
Sorry, I don't understand the last post about looking for question marks and reading. Please let me know what I'm supposed to do.
I got a response from Garmin and then sent a link for some drivers but they didn't do any good.
This leads to the help menu where you will find an entry like below with the locations of your configuration (= .ini) file and log-file.
You might consider to upgrade your OCPN to the most recent beta if you like.
The OS-X version would be candidate for upgrading as well, but perhaps you have strong reasons to stay with it....
this may not be appropriate, but when we went to a tablet with windows 8 the gps puck that we use on our laptop with vista did not work. called the manufacturer of the puck and they told me it would not work and i had to get an upgraded puck.
It took a while to find one in Europe but finally did get one and it is solar powered as well.
IE call the puck manufacturer and ask them if it will work.
just our thoughts and opinions
chuck and svsoulmates
Somewhere in the Eastern Caribbean
You do not specify exact model we can't help unless you are willing to spend some time yourself and be specific about what you are doing and how you have configured Opencpn and the device. Excuse me you did. Sorry
GPS 18x LVC — has bare wire for connection to a variety of applications; can output data in NMEA 0183 format (industry standard) or proprietary Garmin format;
It appears it will support Nmea 0183 and I believe the old 18 OEM also supported it.
You need to read the manual to determine how to set it into that mode. It may be in the Garmin mode now.
Page 12 of the manual:
GPS 18x Technical Specifications ..interfaces to a serial port. The unit accepts...
Shows wiring diagram
Also mandatory read page 34, about serial mouse and configuration.
You have to set up your mouse GPS using Garmin program to establish baud rate etc. Record the settings you used then go to Opencpn and set up to receive the serial nmea signals using Settings > Connections.
I guess Dave is correct. It is a GPS18X USB and he will need a driver for his MacBook OS X to use it. I suppose there is no driver available for OS X from Garmin.
I have the 18x LVC. It's not actually connected directly to a computer. It's directly connected to my VHFradio (for DSC), and to a Bluetooth transmitter so yjsy any computer or tablet can receive it wirelessly.
The 18x LVC is very different from the 18x USB. Here's a link to the manual.
Here's what the manual says about 18x USB on the Mac:
1.5.1 GPS 18x USB
THe GPS 18x USB interfaces to a computer with an available USB port. Drivers are available for use on Windows computers. Macintosh and Linux drivers are not available from Garmin...
FYI, the Garmin configuration utility on page 34 that rgleason reference does NOT work with the USB version of the GPS. You'll see that the initial setup screen shown there does not list it.
I know this is an oldthread but I have a problem with the Garmin 18x usb and Windows 8 (yuck - I don't like it yet!)
Its not an Open Cpn problem - its just that the computer's device manager doesn't recognise the gps: its listed as an unknown device and no drivers (Error code 28). So, I update the driver and it recognises that its a garmin but cannot download the driver as the path is not known.
I download the latest driver package from garmin, re-boot and it still doesn't work.
What's more the computer seems to think its a smart card reader - and that, I'm sure, is the problem. (In the early days, it was sometimes confused with a mouse, I seem to recall, but that problem doesn't seem to appear nowadays).
Anyway - Since the gps hardware functions correctly on my Win 7 computer, it would seem to be a Win 8 problem. Anyone got any thoughts?