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Old 24-11-2016, 01:22   #16
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta


Under O 4.4, install Ok.

1° I create two PIL. So I have two lines.
- If I right click on the first PIL, I can move this first PIL.
- If I right click on the second PIL, I can't move the second PIL. In this case, it is the first PIL that I can move.

2° When we create a PIL, we see two lines. One is something that an "EBL". It is attach to the boat. The second line is a long line parallel the to "EBL".
If I right click on the "EBL" or on the second line, I can choice the delete command. In this case, only the second line is deleted.
I manage some tests. It is only possible to delete the "EBL" by using the PIL manager.
Why the "EBL" is not deleted simultaneously with the second line ?

3° I create a PIL. For this, as said previously, I create an "EBL" and a second line which is parall to the "EBL". Then, I want to rotate manually the "EBL" using the end point of this "EBL". This is impossible.
So it is impossible to rotatate manually the PIL.
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Old 24-11-2016, 01:52   #17
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Originally Posted by jongough View Post
Have you tried OD 1.3.9 ? ...
Off course, I use 1.3.9 (I Have see : Patch 1.3.9 by opening about Draw)
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Old 24-11-2016, 02:39   #18
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

The Parallel Index Line concept I have implemented is in two parts:
  1. The 'EBL' like line attached to the boat and with a PIL Point a the remote end. This line is used to set the direction of the Parallel Index Lines, to see all the index lines associated with this line and to delete this line and all associated lines.
  2. The Index lines them selves. You can have zero or more index line for each 'EBL' like line. You can set individual properties for these lines and can move these lines laterally, i.e. change the offset of the line from the central 'EBL' like line.
As with the rest of OD you will find there is a properties page in the main OD panel for the Parallel Index lines. Here you can set the default settings. The individual properties pages can be accessed either by right clicking the line and selecting 'Properties...' or by double left clicking the line.

The 'Properties' panel for the 'EBL' like line shows you a dialog similar to the Boundary dialog except instead of Boundary Points it shows Index Lines. You can open a properties page for each index line from here.

It may seem strange at first, but it was one of the few methods of dealing with lines I could come up with that is 'relatively' easy (for me at least) to use.

You should be able to set the angle of the 'EBL' like line by either right clicking on the end point and selecting move, or by going to the properties page and setting an angle in the text box. If the dragging of the end point does not work, or the menu item does not show up please let me know. It may be an artefact of working with OCPN 4.4. For me OCPN 4.5.0 works OK, but, currently, 4.4.0 is giving me trouble.

The central line should probably be called the 'Control line' for multiple Index lines. But I am open to suggestions.

Whilst you have OD 1.3.9 running, there is a new setting on the EBL itself which allows the drawing of a perpendicular line, so it makes the EBL appear like a T. This was from a suggestion that Rick made and is what I started with.

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Old 25-11-2016, 00:44   #19
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Jon, I have been reading the description below. Can you give me a link to my perpendicular idea you reference, I am trying to recall what I suggested.

Also, in regard to your description of PIL objects, Control or Center line would be good and maybe port and starboard PIL for the others?, but the PIL sounds more flexible than that. --I really need to give this a test when I get back.
Is there a way to default to port and starboard PIL with a control line, say offset +/- some user selected distance?
Maybe this becomes a subset setting or something?
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Old 25-11-2016, 04:15   #20
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta


I created an EBL.

It seemed to me with version 1.2, it was possible to be able to right click on the line and in this case, to get access to a context menu about the EBL. With version 1.3, you get the general context menu and there is nothing in this context menu that concerns the EBL.
Similarly, it seemed to me that by right-clicking on the end of the EBL, there was another contextual menu that concerned this point. This is not the case with version 1.3.

Am I in error or is it a malfunction of version 1.3?

After this, I created a PIL.
If I right clic on the line of EBL like or the parallel line, ok for the contextual menu but, now, if I right clic on EBL (real EBL, not the EBL like of the PIL), I have also the contextual menu of the PIL ?????? This not good.

B.R. Gilletarom.
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Old 25-11-2016, 04:22   #21
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Strange, twice same post ??? So i delete the second.

B.R. Gilletarom.
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Old 25-11-2016, 13:42   #22
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Originally Posted by rgleason View Post
Jon, I have been reading the description below. Can you give me a link to my perpendicular idea you reference, I am trying to recall what I suggested.
I remember, I think, seeing it, but where........

Also, in regard to your description of PIL objects, Control or Center line would be good and maybe port and starboard PIL for the others?, but the PIL sounds more flexible than that. --I really need to give this a test when I get back.
Is there a way to default to port and starboard PIL with a control line, say offset +/- some user selected distance?
Maybe this becomes a subset setting or something?
Control line 'may' be the way to go, as it is the main line to which other lines are attached and does give the lines their direction. I have already included port and starboard, with port being negative and starboard being positive. The default offset is set in the OD Properties panel.

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Old 25-11-2016, 15:20   #23
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

I am not sure what is happening as I do not see this behaviour on linux or windows. It must be some interaction between the version of OCPN and OD I have put up on git. I will have a look and see if I can work it out. I know there are issues with different versions of the GCC compiler for Linux and Visual Studio 2013 seems to have some 'interesting' changes from the previous version. So it may take a day or so to sort out.


Originally Posted by Gilletarom View Post

I created an EBL.

It seemed to me with version 1.2, it was possible to be able to right click on the line and in this case, to get access to a context menu about the EBL. With version 1.3, you get the general context menu and there is nothing in this context menu that concerns the EBL.
Similarly, it seemed to me that by right-clicking on the end of the EBL, there was another contextual menu that concerned this point. This is not the case with version 1.3.

Am I in error or is it a malfunction of version 1.3?

After this, I created a PIL.
If I right clic on the line of EBL like or the parallel line, ok for the contextual menu but, now, if I right clic on EBL (real EBL, not the EBL like of the PIL), I have also the contextual menu of the PIL ?????? This not good.

B.R. Gilletarom.
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Old 26-11-2016, 02:40   #24
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

I have built a 'release' version of OCPN 4.5.0 and OD 1.3.11 and put the windows installables on git here:

I have tried this out on one of my office (no development environment installed) win7 virtual environments. For me they both work and the EBL and PIL react to left and right clicks as they are supposed to. Can you give this version a try and see if it works for you.

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Old 28-11-2016, 10:47   #25
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Jon, do I need your version of 4.5? I just built most current 4.5 master.
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Old 28-11-2016, 12:43   #26
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

The current beta will run with OCPN 4.4.0 and 4.5.0. I just supplied a version of OCPN as others did not have the ability to build one. You need to be using OD 1.3.11 for your testing as that is the latest patch at the moment.

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Old 28-11-2016, 14:02   #27
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Thanks Jon. I'm your compile of 4.5 now and the 1.3 beta and will report back tonight
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Old 29-11-2016, 03:10   #28
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Dear Jon,
I find the same as Hakan:
Now I tried that branch and I can't switch tool in the Draw Toolbar once anything is drawn. I can switch tool before the first draw but never more in one OCPN session. I've to restart OCPN to be able to change to another tool.
When I started using PIL I was surprized that the PIL started at the boat for some reason. Perhaps I forgot what you asked earlier. I guess I was thinking of a different kind of tool, because this version of PIL draws just one line and permits additional offset lines. Basically we can make multiple PILs around the boat, sort of like a wheel.

Also, I find that right click and select the copy PIL, then select the control line, then pick the side for the offset, say port. Then I try to create a new copy for starboard, then the Port offset moves to starboard. I have not found what is necessary to close the first action. --Perhaps it is escape? It was working for me earlier.

This is useful, but I think a more useful type of PIL, perhaps a little different type, would be one that would draw what is shown in the attached screenshot, a control line along with a port and starboard PIL as a series of attached lines similar to a route. Then to be able to set that object active as a containing boundary for the boat, to keep it inside of the to runway. I have not thought this through all the way, but it would certainly entail watchdog again. The user should be able to set parameters for the control, port and starboard offset, line color, line weight, descrpt. etc. --I do not know if users would want to move some of the points in the starboard and port PIL to adjust for tighter waters or perhaps to allow greater freedom for the boats location, so the offsets are no longer parallel, but I think that might very well be something that would be requested at some point. So it might be a good idea to plan on that possibility/flexibility (if you are going to provide this type of object.)

I don't know if that is where you are headed, but I thought that was sort of what we discussed earlier. (I need to go find that discussion next.) Perhaps you are thinking of a different use that I don't understand?

By the way, as always, I think what you have done so far is good with the exception of the small glitches. Perhaps others will think about the use for this object and comment.

By the way, this version of 4.5 seems to have a memory leak and now after doing the "Prepare ENC Charts" SENC button, seems to work fine up until memory use is up to about 1670mb. Then it freezes. I don't think this is due to the plugin, but is due to either changes in Opencpn or updates to Win10 on this MS SurfacePro3. I have not found anyone with this problem yet however. I have just 4gb of memory, but that should be enough for O I think!
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	PIL-Route.jpg
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Size:	181.8 KB
ID:	137130  
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Old 29-11-2016, 13:56   #29
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

I have just installed OCPN 4.5.0 and OD 1.3.11 (available from onto windows 10 and I do not seem to get the affect you are reporting. I can use any of the tools and draw something, stop drawing, then pick another tool and draw something else.

Can you tell me what settings you are using for OD? This version does include the ability to left drag objects without first having to right click to get the menu (as well as using ctrl and shift keys to alter the dragging behaviour), so I need to know what patch version you are using and any settings that are different from the defaults. This will help me narrow down what may be wrong.

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Old 29-11-2016, 14:27   #30
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Re: ODraw - 1.3 beta

Hi Rick,
I have implemented what I thought was the requirement for a Parallel Index Line (PIL), i.e. a line, or lines, that can be draw relative to the boat and moved laterally to 'touch' and object of interest on a chart. The line PIL was to move with the boat so that it can easily be seen that you are getting closer or further away from the object of interest. The example given was the use of a PIL on a radar.

The PIL as it is implemented is really an EBL (I think we will call it a Control line in this case) which is attached to the boat and allows a direction to be set, then an Index line is drawn parallel to and offset from the Control line (CL) (the offset, colour, line type, etc. can all be set in the properties panel). The Index line can be moved closer to or further away from the CL. Index lines can be added and removed and each can have unique offsets, colours, line types and widths. The angle of the CL is set when it is drawn and does not alter with the heading of the boat. You can change the angle either by dragging the end PIL Point, or by going into the CL properties and typing the angle you wish to use.

The current patch, 1.3.11, does not have a 'copy' option for the PIL. You can copy the GUID of the end PIL Point, but that is all. I may remove that option as I am not really sure what use it is.

I think you want a different tool from the screenshot. This shows as 'lane' and these are often shown on charts and coloured in showing shipping lanes or some such. I think that type of tool could be built based on the work done on the PIL, but I think it would have to be based on a standard ODPath (i.e. multiple connected points forming a non closed object, similar to a route), using index lines to provide the 'lane'. Before I create a tool like that I think we need to understand if it is useful, and what the real requirements are for it, as it could get very complicated very quickly if we are not careful.

You can achieve what you are asking for with the current boundaries and watchdog, you just draw an inclusion boundary to encompass the 'lane' you want. It does not do 'parallel' lines, but it does allow the setting of different widths, multiple different directions with complex shapes.

OCPN 4.5.0 may have issues, but I have not really checked it out, just used it as the version I am testing with. I have acutally reverted back to OCPN 4.4.0 for the included header files except for the bounding box code which was updated for 4.5.0 and I am using that. I 'think' I have removed the issues that Sean reported a little while back regarding accessing code in the wrong locations for the current cursor. I am hoping that his testing will show if that is successful.

As is usual with the beta's of OD things can change quite quickly as issues are found and fixed. To try and help I give each change a different patch number so that I know what you are testing and whether a fix has been put in for an issue. So it is worthwhile checking that you have the latest code, particularly in the early stages.

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