Dear Editors,
USE TEXT WHENEVER POSSIBLE rather than an image.
In the course of trying to Export the User Manual to HTML for the next release, it has become clear that we need to change some practices for practical reasons, and in order to make creating the html image of the manual easier.
- A number of pages are preventing SiteExport from processing the entire document, I believe this may be due to the images being used in the page.
- I have not yet investigated each problematic page, but have been excluding them from the process, and I am running out of space to do that.
- We are going to need to correct the problematic pages so that they will pass through SiteExport. The way to test that is to try to Export the page using the "Export Page (SiteExport) button on the right, second button up should be the correct one. How to.. will follow.
- Please be restrained in using images. Make sure they pass through a know "good" image editor that creates high quality images.
- Size your images for the purpose. Make sure they are not large images.
- Do not fill a whole document up with images! Use 50% words and 50% images (maximum) - less is better.
- Text processes very fast and is lean. Use images when you need to only. No frosting on the cake!
- We are going to have to "TRIM DOWN" the number of images being used over time. We can be more efficient too utilizing a single screenshot instead of having two different ones.
Menu Screenshot
At some point we should complete a comprehensive update of all the major Menu screenshots in OpenCPN and catalog them with appropriate names that are consistent. These should be high quality but sized exactly for the purpose.
Merge Menu screenshots into the Documents
This could occur gradually by section.
Example Screenshots
In addition, to Menu screenshots there are many Example screenshots. These tend to be larger, and we should watch the use of these like a hawk, reducing the sizes whenever possible!
Also we are going to need to rework and delete all extraneous screenshots and use more words! This is taking ages to process so many images. Text flies through.
Otherwise your Offline Manual will quickly become 100 mb.
Hopefully, we will be able to Export the manual in one shot, but this has not been easy.