I had sailing practice in Turkey and purchased Turkey o-charts beforehand.. I tried to use it and was disappointed. Maybe I did something wrong? Here is a Gemiler island near Fetchye, very popular place, I attached o-charts and OSM map which also lacks several lights but it is way better then o-charts one. Even old CM93 contains more detail than this..
Honestly, that looks very much like one of the older, incomplete CM93 sets to me.
Even for CM93 there are better/more complete sets around (I'm aware that CM93 is quite dated by now, but, better that as fallback option than nothing.).
Are you absolutely sure you are displaying the O-chart?
Honestly, that looks very much like one of the older, incomplete CM93 sets to me.
Even for CM93 there are better/more complete sets around (I'm aware that CM93 is quite dated by now, but, better that as fallback option than nothing.).
Are you absolutely sure you are displaying the O-chart?
yes, after your concern i have deleted everything but o-charts and it looks o-charts has no tiles in this place - only base outline, the red square is OSM raster tile with bing sattelite, green lines shows nearest o-charts tiles, and o-charts shop image confirms that