I just discovered that I have no basemap in one
installation of 5.10.2 of Windows, but it is there in another. I tried downloading the GSHHG
charts using the Chart Downloader, and adding them as a Chart, and putting them in a ChartGroup by itsself, and still I don't see any basemap.
I dimly
recall a recent discussion on the forum that talked about the switch to another basemap (and that WxRouting was still using the old basemap GSHHG?).
I reinstalled 5.10.2 but with "use existing settings". I don't see a file in my
OpenCPN ProgramData folder either on the computer that has the basemap and the one that doesn't, that looks like a basemap.
I forced a
rebuild of the entire chart directory, and that didn't fix it.
Ahhh, but looking in
OpenCPN in ProgramFiles (x86), I do see a new basemap_shp folder, with today's date (presumably because I re-installed), but my OpenCPN doesn't seem to be using it. How do I make it use it?
I'm sure it's something simple!