We seem to have here an issue of miscommunications.
I concur with you that a continuous non-emergency SART needs to be "blocked". However, I am concerned that at some point the non-emergency will become a real
emergency. Lets see if we can come up with a solution that keeps O functional, allows blocking of non-emergency messages, keeps the user aware that he is receiving SART messages, and allow the user an opportunity to review and reactive what has been blocked.
What I am suggesting is that, instead of "killing" the SART alerts by ignoring them completely, we allow the user to change them into an once per received message red flash of an ICON. This would allow O to continue to be used for
navigation while allowing the user to remain aware of received but "blocked" SART messages. The proposed implementation (one of many possible implementations) also allows users to reactive the SART display at their discretion.