Went through the process of attempting to load NOAA RNC charts for California.
After selecting California the "Chart Catalogs Available" list shows California but under "Released" I see "Please Update". So I try to update and am shown "Failed to Download Catalog: https:\\www.charts.noaa.gov/RNCs/CA_RNCProdCat.xml
Verfiy there is a working Internet connection."
My internet connection works fine.
Any chance someone can help me get by this problem ?
Version of OpenCPN shows - 5.2.4+6b314e6
I would be nice if that text was selectable in the About window.
And... this forum doesn't support pasting in screen shots ???????
Not being very familiar with OpenCPN it seemed best to follow their basic instructions and use the chart loader. Does this process not work ?
I just tried the link you provided.
That might do what you need to do if you're an experienced user of OpenCPN and NOAA's charts but it does not look like it will get me going without a lot more effort and information.