If you are able, please try the beta version (radarwindow).
Many problems have been resolved, and new features added.
I don't know if your particular problem has been resolved, but if not, please post it as an issue on GitHub. Outstanding bugs are being dealt with very quickly.
I think the new version is almost ready to be released.
As BCN said, Please activate plugin wmm_pi and check for differences.
I think a HDM or HDG + variation from wmm_pi is somewhat prioritized over HDT. Now you've both HDG and HDT but HDG without variation( and no wmm_pi?).
As BCN said, Please activate plugin wmm_pi and check for differences.
I think a HDM or HDG + variation from wmm_pi is somewhat prioritized over HDT. Now you've both HDG and HDT but HDG without variation( and no wmm_pi?).
I activated wmm_pi. Radar info changed so, that it before variation came from GPS now WMM. The heading is still HDM.
Everything look osk, like it always does when we are not moving. Shore is where it's supposed to be.
But I'll know more, when we move. Maybe in a few days to the next bay...
In the mean time I might as well try the beta plugin for radar.
In the log and control window Br24Radar_pi always says it found a HDM as long a true heading is available from OCPN even if the source is HDT, HDG + wmm variation etc.
You may of course try the the new beta, there are some new features but there are also still some small bugs, at least in Windows. And for he last updates you've to build from source.
Good luck/ Håkan
Good to know about it always showing HDM. This was a bit confusing, since we don't have this sentence on our network. Our NMEA routers don't send all the sentences from all the devices. There would just be so much traffic
The new beta for the plugin is looking good, but I guess I'll go back to the released version. Just in case, I don't want to come up with new problems.
And I don't want to bother my husband to build the latest version. My laptop doesn't have the necessary tools installed
We had not used our radar for a very long time. The picture is again wrong exactly as much as the variation is. Last time we used the radar on a passage from Lesser Antilles to ABC-islands and the variation changed on the way and so did the error in the picture.
Plugin shows our correct HDT. It also shows variation either from our GPS or from the VMM. It does not matter which one I use it's the same.
What could be done that the plugin would stop changing our heading which is already true heading?
We had not used our radar for a very long time. The picture is again wrong exactly as much as the variation is. Last time we used the radar on a passage from Lesser Antilles to ABC-islands and the variation changed on the way and so did the error in the picture.
Plugin shows our correct HDT. It also shows variation either from our GPS or from the VMM. It does not matter which one I use it's the same.
What could be done that the plugin would stop changing our heading which is already true heading?
Luckily I have a magic ball that I can look into and magically see what your setup is.
Without kidding, many users have no issues with this so there is something different about your setup. Please upload your opencpn.log, preferably a short one with "Verbose" set to 1 (edit the opencpn.ini or opencpn.conf file manually, and look for the Verbose flag) as well as a screenshot of the radar info window.
The plugin prefers the heading data coming from the radar, which is typically magnetic unless you have a GPS compass only. This is because it is more likely to be a fast heading (10 Hz) which helps with the stabilized displays such as North Up or Course Up as well as drawing the overlay.
*IF* you get a radar overlay on the chart the plugin *HAS* derived a true heading.
If you have no chartplotter, did you perform a heading correction for the radome (Advanced > Installation > Bearing Alignment)?
We have not moved and we have not even turned the radar on since my last post. Now I turn it on and the picture is perfect. This situation sounds good, but we need to have a reliable radar. Since nothing has changed, there has to be something that triggers the error on and off...
We had this before with previous version that when we were anchored everything was fine, but when we were moving the picture changed. We'll be sailing to the neighboring island in two weeks, so then we can test this thing again.
I'm pretty sure we don't have the most common setup.
Our heading comes from Airmar heading sensor, GPS comes from Furuno GP-39. The radar is the 3G model. (AIS and autopilot are also connected, but they should have nothing to do with this.) We don't have a plotter, only OpenCPN.
The bearing alignment is not the problem. On our last passage the error changed as did our variation.
(I changed the filename of the .loglog to a .doc, since .log was not accepted and as .txt it was too big to be accepted)
Please repeat upload when it is incorrect. Try different headings.
We invest many man hours in this plugin but it remains a hobby, and we hope it is useful, but there is NO warranty, and we can't do much if it does not work and you are unable to give us enough information. Remarks such as "we must have a reliable radar" are not very helpful and are not likely to make us work harder.
I'm sorry. I'll rephrase, we'd like to have as reliable radar as possible
I have done my share of volunteer work and I know what it feels like when people start to be too demanding...
On our way here I also tried the HDM, but the result was exactly the same.
I really appreciate all the people who put time to OpenCPN and all the plug-ins. I know it's a hobby and there are no guarantees.
When we 2 years ago decided to get a new radar, we wanted to get rid of the old big display. We don't have a chartplotter and it would be waste of money and space to buy it just as a display for the radar. And then we also would not have the charts in it so it would be kind of like old radar
(And we are also nerds, so we like to have everything going over ethernet to all the computers)