Good Morning All!
So last season i installed a new HALO
radar and got it working with
opencpn via a switch.
Got back to the
boat this season and m now not able to get past the "Radar Initializing" stage.
I upadated
opencpn to 5.10.2, found the
plugin in the beta section, and installed it.
The old TCP connection that i had created in Opencpn is still there, though it seems the most likely culprit for the problem.
I have the
radar wired via an ethernet switch. Jjst to confirm, what
network address do i put in opencpn for the radar. In the past i went to the system report/ethernet connections and found the address there (
The other question i have is what port? Last time i set this up im not sure how i determined what port to enter in the connection window (currently 6878)
Any help would be HUGELY appreciated!
Thanks to everyone!