09-04-2019, 08:00
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Migration issues from earlier version to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Hi, Great leaps forward, thanks to all.
I am migrating to OpenCPN V5. from prior earlier version
Transferring tracks & Waypoints
I'm sure others would have taken your earlier tracks and waypoints across.
When I do this the initial problem is that the charts disappear and all that remains is a very polygon type representation of the land, and the ocean is greyed out completely, much the same as when you have no charts loaded, and eventually it will then hang with the hour glass, and finally it will close.
Prior to doing the transfer all was well.
I transferred my routes/waypoints initially by copying navobj.xml from the prior version. After that didn't work and failed as described above, I assumed perhaps backup files (navobj) were not compatible between versions.
Fortunately I had some GPX exports of the same thing, so imported these and got the same failure.
Reading the help I see it discourages letting these get to big. There is no suggestion as to how big is too big and the ramifications are said to be performance. The navobj is approx. 38mb and this was working just fine on a very old small Lanovo with prior version of OpenCPN. So I suspect size is not the issue especially now I'm on I7.
KAP files not visible
Again on the prior version I have about 400kap & 400 matching bsb files for Philippines. Adding that director into chart they do not appear. I suspect this is a layers (user based  ) problem and I just cant quite figure out how to switch between Mbtiles and KAP files. I think I need instructions for dummies
09-04-2019, 08:07
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
There was no change in format or content of navobj.xml between O4 and O5. Installing O5 over a running version of O4 is known to work fine. 38 MB for navobj is large, but not too large.
If you have no MBTiles chart files, then your KAPs will work like they always did.
Summary: Just install O5 over top of a running O4, and all should be well.
09-04-2019, 08:25
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Thanks for the quick response.
The current machine is a clean build from the ground up (Win10pro)so no V4 on it, got v4 on "Terries" old Lanovo. I guess I could remove 5 install 4 get it running and copy 5 over 4, but I would typically not do that. Are you suggesting I should try that ?
So can you have both MBtiles and KAP files and switch between ?
09-04-2019, 08:39
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
Thanks for the quick response.
The current machine is a clean build from the ground up (Win10pro)so no V4 on it, got v4 on "Terries" old Lanovo. I guess I could remove 5 install 4 get it running and copy 5 over 4, but I would typically not do that. Are you suggesting I should try that ?
No. But maybe I'm missing your point - What do you think that would do for you?
So can you have both MBtiles and KAP files and switch between ?
Yes. To turn the MBTiles overlay visibility simply click on it's violet button in the chart piano at the bottom of the screen. For a more permanent switch between chart types, define chart groups per chart type and switch between them.
09-04-2019, 09:17
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
We are at cross purposes I thought you were suggesting that installing V5 over 4 would help. So no I personally don't expect it would help either
So what should I do re old tracks & waypoints.
Yep tried the hide MB tiles, and the MBtile disappears but the KAP file still does not show. I will investigate further on this.
09-04-2019, 09:26
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
So what should I do re old tracks & waypoints.
What is your problem with tracks and waypoints? In your first post you say "After that didn't work and failed as described above", but above you say nothing about any problem with tracks, routes and waypoints.
Yep tried the hide MB tiles, and the MBtile disappears but the KAP file still does not show. I will investigate further on this.
Many of the sat imagery KAPs require higher value for (Raster) Chart Zoom/Scale Weighting on the Display->Advanced tab in the toolbox to appear as soon as users please. Of course you can again "force" any individual chart to display by clicking it's "button" in the chart piano bar.
09-04-2019, 09:45
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Yea at the top under track and waypoints I say
"When I do "this" Sorry not so clear, but "this" being copy the navobj or import the corresponding gpx
….the initial problem is that the charts disappear and all that remains is a very polygon type representation of the land, and the ocean is greyed out completely, much the same as when you have no charts loaded, and eventually it will then hang with the hour glass, and finally it will close."
Makes sense ?
09-04-2019, 09:53
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
Yea at the top under track and waypoints I say
"When I do "this" Sorry not so clear, but "this" being copy the navobj or import the corresponding gpx
….the initial problem is that the charts disappear and all that remains is a very polygon type representation of the land, and the ocean is greyed out completely, much the same as when you have no charts loaded, and eventually it will then hang with the hour glass, and finally it will close."
Makes sense ?
No, unfortunately it makes no sense. The tracks and waypoints have nothing to do with the charts.
In a new installation, which I understand is what you did(?), there are also no charts preconfigured but the GSHHG basemap, so not seeing any other charts is absolutely normal.
09-04-2019, 10:26
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
I take a fully working openCPN V5. By fully working I mean with charts cm93_200707 and kap files MBTiles all configure sitting on a USB key, from Terry whom I believe you know that works. This is my starting point.
I copy the complete key to my hard disk, keeping the key untouched to return to in the event of problems.
I test that copied version now on the hard disk, and it works the same as the key... All looks good. I ran this about 1 week 24hrs... all good.
I then attempted to take the navobj which I had saved from my V4 version and simply replaced that in the V5, expecting to get all my tracks waypoints etc. after doing that when I started OpenCPN again the detailed charts disappeared and it looked like as you describe the basemap, grey ocean with the hour glass running, and then eventually it closed Open CPN
I return back to my original starting point by deleting OpenCPN off the disk and recopying the key back and then tried to import the equivalent tracks...etc using a gpx export from the V4 version and got the same base map, hour glass, finally closeting issue.
Does this explain it better ?
Just following on the other point I made in the beginning about kap files. I can not in fact see any of my kap files, which were working on V4. However the kap files from the USB key work fine, and they were not hidding under the MBtile as I suspected. I also turned up the raster weighting and that did not help. I am till investigating
09-04-2019, 10:37
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
I take a fully working openCPN V5. By fully working I mean with charts cm93_200707 and kap files MBTiles all configure sitting on a USB key, from Terry whom I believe you know that works. This is my starting point.
I copy the complete key to my hard disk, keeping the key untouched to return to in the event of problems.
I test that copied version now on the hard disk, and it works the same as the key... All looks good. I ran this about 1 week 24hrs... all good.
I then attempted to take the navobj which I had saved from my V4 version and simply replaced that in the V5, expecting to get all my tracks waypoints etc. after doing that when I started OpenCPN again the detailed charts disappeared and it looked like as you describe the basemap, grey ocean with the hour glass running, and then eventually it closed Open CPN
I return back to my original starting point by deleting OpenCPN off the disk and recopying the key back and then tried to import the equivalent tracks...etc using a gpx export from the V4 version and got the same base map, hour glass, finally closeting issue.
Does this explain it better ?
Just following on the other point I made in the beginning about kap files. I can not in fact see any of my kap files, which were working on V4. However the kap files from the USB key work fine, and they were not hidding under the MBtile as I suspected. I also turned up the raster weighting and that did not help. I am till investigating
It is not possible navobj.xml does anything to your charts and their configuration.
It is also not possible the content of navobj.xml magically disappears. Anyway, to avoid messing with files on your disk, why don't you simply import it as GPX (navobj.xml is nothing but a big GPX file)?
09-04-2019, 11:01
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
I am guessing you are trying to use a mix of a normaly installed OpenCPN and a "Portable OpenCPN".
The support files are not going to the same place.
Open the "About..." dialog. It will tell you where are or supposed to be the support files.
In a new installation, you also have to show O where the charts are.
09-04-2019, 11:04
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
I did try that, and given you said navobj is just big gpx I guess there is no surprise when I tell you it failed and exactly the same thing happened. When you say its not possible for navobj to do anything to charts, I guess Im not sure were to go with that, because possible or not, that is what I see.
Is there some way I can send you a screen dump?
09-04-2019, 11:07
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
I did try that, and given you said navobj is just big gpx I guess there is no surprise when I tell you it failed and exactly the same thing happened. When you say its not possible for navobj to do anything to charts, I guess Im not sure were to go with that, because possible or not, that is what I see.
Is there some way I can send you a screen dump?
Yes, you can attach stuff to any post here.
Being you, I would simply stop copying stuff from some pendrive, installed OpenCPN with the installer as everybody else does, configured my charts, imported my GPX data, done.
09-04-2019, 11:09
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Ah if this works there should be a screen dump, this is after importing navobj
09-04-2019, 11:13
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Re: Migration issues from earlier verion to OpenCPN V5.0.0.9065270
Originally Posted by screensaver
Ah if this works there should be a screen dump, this is after importing navobj
So you have no problem with importing it at all, good.
What is weird is the way your chart is displayed, we have already seen stuff like this with various causes, usually damaged charts or faulty GPU drivers.
Turn OpenGL off if enabled, enable it if not. Does anything change? May we see your logfile?
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