There are lots of issues uploading waypoints and routes to
Furuno GPS and I suspect these units have the same issues. Furuno's format is proprietary which makes me believe they are Furuno copies.
Furuno waypoints and routes can only have uppercase letters, no lower case or special characters. No more than 30 waypoints per
route, OpenCPN limits this to 28. You have to be careful with the way waypoints are named. It's best to always do them in numerical sequence. I don't understand how, or why, it does this, but if you have a 3 waypoint
route, 001, 005, 002, the Furuno will organize those by the number and you end up with a route that is, 001, 002, 005. I've been bitten by that one a number of times!
The easiest way to test this is use OpenCPN setting the GPS type to Furuno. Create a simple route with 3 or waypoints and make sure they are number 001,002,003 and then upload I suspect it will
work but I don't have one of these units yet.
Does anyone know if you can deactivate the transmit function in the HA-102 and use it as a receiver only? I think it's important to be able to turn the transmit off in certain situations.