The French hydro
service (SHOM) has started distributing very fine-grained .grb files (0,01° !!! - every hour) from the Arome model of the French met office (Meteo-France) in a convenient format (as opposed to the grib2 format of the original). They cover from
Ireland to Galicia and North Sea to Sardinia
They are huge (about 250 Go for a
single day).
Select 'Vitesse and Direction du vent' for a date and hit 'Télécharger source des données'
I have uploaded an example here
(valid one month)
These files crash Zygrib and O 4.0, not 4.2 but nothing is displayed
They display fine with Squid 8.3.0 and Qtvlm 5.3.0 though
Could a kind soul make the grib plugin able to display those mammoth files (If that is the problem...)
PS an xml file is available