I have written (or at least tried to

) a (Windows - sorry
Linux and Mac guys) GUI for the several commandline tools such as mc2bsbh (thanks to Dan) and the libbsb tools.
The program is written in VB.net and it is my first attempt to create a Visual Basic application.
It is still an alpha version, but it would be great if someone will give it a try and report some feedback (bugs, feature requests).
The program supports
English and German (depends on the system settings).
The needed commandline tools are included as well as a version of GraphicsMagick (it's a forke of ImageMagick - half of size and faster in processing).
As usual here in the forum just remove the .doc file ending. KAP-File_Utility.exe is a selfextracting archive file. No
installation needed, but the MS NET Framework.
Thanks for testing and feedback!
A short article in German can be found here:
KAP-File Utility | OpenCPN.de
BTW: As you all know, my
English skills aren't the best. So if you could have a look for typos and wording in general ...