21-09-2015, 21:04
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Join / Merge Two Routes
I hope I'm not asking a question answered in the manual, but I couldn't find it, so here goes.
Very simple. I created two routes that share a waypoint. Now I'd like to join them into one route.
Bonus question, what's the easiest way to grab the first section of a route (made up of multiple waypoints) and join it to a route with which it shares a waypoint.
21-09-2015, 21:19
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
save navobj.xml to a new file as backup. open navobj.xml with a text editor. find the two routes and carefully cut and paste, following the format. Then open opencpn and see if the format was correct.
21-09-2015, 21:23
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
Thanks. So there's no button or menu in the program to do this? Has to be done outside with text editor?
21-09-2015, 21:28
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
Yes. Makea requst in tracker. See your other post.
22-09-2015, 23:45
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
There is an "Extend Route" button in the Route&Mark Manager that will do this. You just need to have two separate contiguous routes in the list. Double-click the first route and the "Extend Route" box becomes active. Clicking it joins the two routes into one.
Maybe we need to look at the documentation to be sure this is properly explained. It's too late for me to do it tonight...
23-09-2015, 09:16
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
RD you are correct! Should have looked myself.
The Route Manager and Gpx Data | Official OpenCPN Homepage
Partway down the page we find:
Extend Route:Extending is possible only when it is obvious, what should be joined with the current route (current = visible in the Dialog). Eligible are all visible route points shared with, or lying nearby to the current route's endpoint. If there is exactly 1 such point, then it is considered obvious, and the Extend button is enabled. If there are more, some should be hidden before proceeding, until just 1 remains.
Routes are extended forward, based on the geographic location, next route point must be very near, as when mouse-extending the route. If the next route point is to far away for extending, just create the joining leg and extend twice.
-- This part could have one or two screenshots I think.
Split Route:For splitting, the split point is selected as the row in the listing. The point-of-split becomes part of both new routes (shared) or tracks (cloned). Original route/track is deleted.
Here is a basic example of first splitting then extending. The test route is shown below
--And it goes on..with good illustrations.
Sorry, I will have to modify the FS Tracker requests.
Please note rjm.
23-09-2015, 10:08
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
FWIW, I think that one of the most important things for new users to learn is to export/import routes, tracks, and waypoints to/from .gpx files. It opens up a whole range of powerful features, and also protects loss of data in the event of a crash.
24-09-2015, 21:34
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
Thank you to both of you. I tried the method out and it seems fairly straight forward. Greatly appreciated!
02-10-2015, 17:51
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
For some reason I can't join 2 routes together. The "extend route" option is grayed out.
Yes, they are 2 distinct separate routes.
I'm running OpenCpn 4.0.0 on Debian (#!- Crunchbang)
02-10-2015, 18:07
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
Originally Posted by PDA1
For some reason I can't join 2 routes together. The "extend route" option is grayed out.
Yes, they are 2 distinct separate routes.
I'm running OpenCpn 4.0.0 on Debian (#!- Crunchbang)
Do they share a waypoint - the end of one meets the beginning of the other? If not, you need to append a waypoint to one in order for the option to become active.
02-10-2015, 18:32
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
That solved the problem.
Thank you.
17-09-2020, 04:55
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Re: Join / Merge Two Routes
I'm new to OpenCPN, so apologies for a noob question.
I have a route that I accidentally split. Therefore they share WPT004, but I cannot extend and "reconnect" the routes into one. The extend button never goes active.
What have I done wrong?
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