Originally Posted by rgleason
Somewhat vague? Where?
As posted below you cannot run two programs at once that are using this device.
Without more detail we can't help you. Exactly what are you doing?
Thank you for your reply. Sorry for my late reply, but I was unable to post messages, because I was suspected of beeing a spammer, because of new user account and too many links in my post.
Vague, by just linking here and there is not a word about the correct settings for OpenCPN.
I am trying to get OpenCPN setup on windows 10 laptops (HP Elitebook 840 G1, HP ZBook 15 G1) with internal HP lt4112 Gobi (Actually HUAWEI ME906E LTE) module.
Location in windows 10 works, tested with several
software from windows store and its enabled.
What I have done so far is.
Enabled windows location services from
control panel.
Installed OpenCPN-msvc_5.2.4+2446.6b314e6 with default settings.
Started the GeolocationTCP-r9, then started OpenCPN and set up the connection, in the connections tab as in the picture below.
I get correct location in GeolocationTCP-r9, but nothing on OpenCPN.
I have tried to star the OpenCPN first and then starting the GeolocationTCP, but no difference. I dont have any other location programs running. I have uninstalled all the softwares I used to test the sensor with.
I have fiddled with the input filtering part too, but accepting all and ignoring nothing, changes nothing. I have no output in
NMEA debug window.
OpenCPN is also allowed in the windows firewall. I have also tried to run the GeolocationTCP as administrator and in windows 8 compatibility mode. (Getting desparete, I know). I have also uninstalled and reinstalled OpenCPN several times to get it back to defaults.
Basically I have fallowed the wiki to best of my abilities, but I can't get it to work and I don't know how to troubleshoot this further.
Here is what I get in GeolocationTCP. (Sorry for the black bars, but I am not comfortable disclosing my location to whole
Here is my connections tab in OpenCPN.