The Radar plugin is in the
OpenCPN flatpak version.
You can install the
OpenCPN flatpak version as follows: You need an 64 bits version of the OS.
first install the flatpak envirement:
sudo apt install flatpak
then go to the flathub site. Search for OpenCPN.
Downloads (is not really a download !)
Then go in the terminal of you system to the folder Downloads.
There you see the downloaded OpenCPN instruction:
Then install OpenCPN flatpak version:
sudo flatpak installl (name of the file in the Download folder.)
Now you have a second OpenCPN (flatpak) version on your system.
Open OpenCPN flatpak. Choose update of the master plugins.
Now you have all the OpenCPN plugins available.
Flatpak is the universial version for almost all the
Linux systems. Not only for OpenCPN but a lot of other application. All install on the manner.