;;;ive been reading as many historical threads as possible on this issue:::but of course im still stuck!.... can anyone please help?
gps receiver bu 353 S4 connected to
laptop via usb
open cpn 4.0.0
windows 7.0 os
iridium sat
phone connected via usb also
when i check the
gps receiver the very first thing is that it defaults to the sat
phone com port when i open it ... i cant find a way to save the option to default it to the gps receiver com port
next when i change this option to the gps receiver com port and click start gps...it seems to be functioning correctly ....the satellites are being found and data is running. (when i check in device manager -
ports - i see that the device is installed correctly and working correctly)
open cpn i have added the connection - this is what the
screen reports - com10 (same as in device manager- ports); baud rate 4800; connection input; filters In None; Out None (is this part of the problem??)
nmea debug window is blank with just legend displayed
i will stop for now but if any more information is needed please ask away .....any help or assistance from this group is very much appreciated