OK another issue, help file shows the following. However am on land and cannot place the
boat over my loc'n so cannot prove
gps signal ? all is ok as per the instructions except cannot verify, so assume that it only works if you know exactly where you are ? and place the
boat there, which is very odd indeed.
There is a small LED located on the BU-353. If the LED is off there is no
power being received. Check the connection.
If the LED is solid it indicates the BU-353 is searching for a
GPS signal. Try moving the GPS receiver to a clear location.
If the LED is flashing it indicates the BU-353 has a position fix and is transmitting data.
Try viewing the
NMEA data stream in
OpenCPN. Choose Options→Connections→Show
NMEA Debug Window
Alternatively, a diagnostic program is included on the
installation CD called GPSInfo.exe. Launch this program to install the diagnostic utility.
If it appears that the NMEA data stream is being received, the most likely issue is that
OpenCPN is not centered over your location. Click AutoFollow to center the map at your GPS location