I have decent inet connection 50M up and down. I tried logging into Good Anchorage from the web site and that works fine. I also noticed something else that may help. If I select a smallish area that I know has Good Anchorage data in my existing database, it will work. I have no idea if it is actually refreshing those points or simply redrawing them. However if I select an area where I have no Good Anchorage data, OpenCPN will crash. I will have more time next week, I hope, and I can look at the log and try to figure out what is happening or at least provide the dump file. I will also turn the debugger on and see what it has to say.
FWIW, I wonder if thi may be intermingled with an issue I am having with the mapping database getting corrupted occasionally. Only solution to that seems to
rebuild the maps.
This is not a critical issue for me either way as I find Good Anchorage only of marginal use in terms of the actual data it contains. At best, it shows anchorage other people have used. What I think would be a great solution is for OpenCPN to have it's own shared database of anchorages and other data, that Open users could share. Something like ActiveCaptain without all the backage that comes from that. If the data could be drawn directly into OpenCPN along with
current weather, maybe even user track data for the approach, comments, etc, that would be really a great tool,