Developers and Testers....
I have initialized a git repository on sourceforge:
You can view the repo through the sourceforge web page.
You can clone a local copy by:
git clone git://
This repo will be the "official"
OpenCPN git spot. This is not to say that other private repos should not be utilized for development and code sharing. Far from it. It merely means that when we get into the next stage of Beta testing, this is where the RC's will come from, and this is where the Release will occur.
I will push changes to this repo (or maybe a branch) for future Betas and Releases. Developers may pull and merge with their local branches as needed.
email me when your patches are ready, and I will pull, merge, and push to the sourceforge master ( or maybe a "bleeding edge" branch) as appropriate.
Developers are also encouraged to publish links to their own (github, etc) repositories, so that courageous testers can try out new features before they are integrated into the master.
Sourceforge CVS is now dormant at Release 2.1.0 Build 624a
git is a new thing for me, and there may be hiccups. Seems workable so far..... We shall overcome any difficulties as they arise