NMEA Data source to
Network GPSD is set correct.
A little ouput with what happening when I start OpenCPN:
gpsd -N -D 6 /dev/ttyUSB0
gpsd: launching (Version 2.92)
gpsd: listening on port gpsd
gpsd: NTPD shmat(65538,0,0) succeeded, segment 2
gpsd: NTPD shmat(98307,0,0) succeeded, segment 3
gpsd: successfully connected to the DBUS system bus
gpsd: running with effective group ID 1000
gpsd: running with effective user ID 1000
gpsd: stashing device /dev/ttyUSB0 at slot 0
gpsd: client (0) connect on fd 6
gpsd: => client(0): {"class":"VERSION","release":"2.92","rev":"svn","p roto_major":3,"proto_minor":1}
gpsd: checking client(0)
gpsd: <= client(0): l
gpsd: => client(0): =
gpsd: checking client(0)
gpsd: <= client(0): O
gpsd: => client(0): =
gpsd: checking client(0)
gpsd: <= client(0): lO
gpsd: => client(0): =
gpsd: checking client(0)
gpsd: detaching (sub 0, fd 6) in detach_client
And now a output with xgps with the same start command:
gpsd: => GPS: 100600fa1003
gpsd: SendPacket(), wrote 6 bytes
gpsd: DOPS computed/reported: X=0.623644/0.000000, Y=0.577145/0.000000, H=0.849723/1.045293, V=1.205760/1.476186, P=1.475089/1.808802, T=0.663859/0.881724, G=1.617589/2.012262
gpsd: /dev/ttyUSB0 is known to be Garmin USB binary
gpsd: garmin_ser_parse()
gpsd: garmin_ser_parse() Type: 0x72, Len: 0x54, chksum: 00
gpsd: PrintSERPacket(, 0x72, 0x54, )
gpsd: SAT Data Sz: 84
gpsd: Sat 2, snr: -100, elev: 37, Azmth: 74, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 4, snr: -100, elev: 14, Azmth: 30, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 12, snr: -100, elev: 38, Azmth: 103, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 14, snr: -100, elev: 14, Azmth: 227, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 20, snr: -100, elev: 1, Azmth: 328, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 23, snr: -100, elev: 6, Azmth: 352, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 29, snr: -100, elev: 57, Azmth: 195, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 30, snr: -100, elev: 70, Azmth: 123, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 31, snr: -100, elev: 53, Azmth: 285, Stat: 4
gpsd: Sat 255, snr: 0, elev: 0, Azmth: 0, Stat: 0
gpsd: Sat 255, snr: 0, elev: 0, Azmth: 0, Stat: 0
gpsd: Sat 255, snr: 0, elev: 0, Azmth: 0, Stat: 0
gpsd: SAT_DATA: visible=9 used=9 mask={SATELLITE|USED}
gpsd: PrintSERPacket(, 0x72, 0x54, ) = 0x50000
gpsd: SendPacket(), writing 6 bytes: 100600fa1003
gpsd: PrintSERPacket(, 0x6, 00, )
gpsd: ACK
gpsd: PrintSERPacket(, 0x6, 00, ) = 00
It looks for me that OpenCPN is incompatible with gpsd 2.92. Hope Dave see this.