Thanks for the quick reply. I'll try the nmea sentence that stevead supplied this evenening. Also try to make a log-file and supply that here.
The sentence that I tried through the ESP32 is the following:
$FRPOS,5303,N,0540,E,0.9,0.2,19.0,120125,153845,to pmark*15
This is then shown in the debug
monitor by:
<GREEN>16:49:33 (COM5) $FRPOS,5303,N,0540,E,2.8,0.6,29.0,120125,153845,to pmark*15<0x0D><0x0A>
It seems that the checksum is not correct. I will look into that also this evenening. This shouldn't be an issue, as I switched off the checksum-check in the
communications tab. And this does seem to
work for a custom GPRMC sentence that I send through this ESP32 for comparison. But it could be that the FRPOS checksum-check cannot be turned off.