ENCs have a bit of a
learning curve. If you don't want to tackle that you can also download RNCs from NOAA. However, there's a lot of
power in the ENCs, it's just up to you to decide what gets shown.
[On this PC my install is still 4.8.4 so if you are using 5.0 there may be a few differences, my 5.0 is on the
boat and I have reasons to keep 4.8.4 here]
On the Tools:Options dialog (where you go to download charts) you'll see a tab for "vector chart display", this has all the controls for ENCs and how they are displayed. The easiest place to start is probably down at the bottom "CM93 Detail Level". By default this is probably "0", I tend to use "2" or "3". If you have an
ENC open, you can select the level here and use the "Apply" button and you'll see the changes behind the dialog in the main window. You can adjust up/down until you like the level of detail. I just grabbed a Chesapeake ENC, at 0 it shows depths > 20m, at 2 it shows down to 10m, etc.
There are way more options you can adjust in here (including turning off soundings altogether), it takes some time to set things up the way you like them. If you look up at the top you'll see a box for "Display Category", which I suspect is defaulted to "base". I tend to use "Mariner's Standard" and then make adjustments.
[Edit] One more thing, if you like seeing contours you'll probably prefer that "Colors" (about midway down the left column of settings" is set to "4 color" mode. I go back and forth, sometimes 4 color is too much clutter for me.
Also, where those contours get drawn depends on your settings for shallow/safety/deep depth in the boxes below that setting[/edit]
Here a some
screen shots (CM93=0, CM93=2, Mariner's Standard):