[QUOTE=kjetil6;2612627. the o-charts are bad quality and if you upgrade your maskin, the keys doesnt
work anymore. [/QUOTE]
Which chart sets do you have? As you will know, the data is identical to the official
charts of the Hydrographic Offices. Sure, there are areas they cover better and others less. But one advantage is there: they don't invent soundings where the HO didn't make a proper
A simple upgrade will not break the oeSENC key. You need to do something that makes the system to appear like a new or different one.
Ad-hoc charting and surveying is an interesting thing. We experimented with a small
project two years ago which reproduced the trace with soundings on a raster chart - as a BSB/.kap .
I'm very skeptical about crowd sourced soundings as there is no way to know how these data have been recorded, calibrated and corrected.
This is a very different horse from making your own small
survey knowing under which circumstances you did it, how your sounder works, etc.
Or just going with the
dinghy into an unknown or difficult site and transmitting this data to the mothership in real time.