If you are plugging the Radar unit directly into your laptop, you may need to utilize a crossover ethernet cable. Most
network devices are not meant to be directly connected – they expect to be connected to a hub/switch/router. To connected two ‘end devices’ together, you can connect them with a crossover cable – whereby you flip the TX/RX on one end of the cable. This is depicted on the bottom of Page 1 of this document (look at Pins 2, 3, 6, & 7)
(Option 1) If you have the tools/connectors, you can change 1 end of an existing cable. (Option 2) If not – you can by a cross over cable off amazon (or perhaps your local computer store). (Option 3) If you have a home router that has 2
ports free, you can also connect your laptop & radar to those two ports for testing.
Once you believe you have things wired properly, and switched Pin 5 to ground – after about a minute (maybe 2-3), you should have a ‘link light’ on/flashing – on your laptop
network jack, and if your using a hub/switch/router, the network jack where the radar connects to.
An IP Address is composed of two
parts. The is the actual ‘ADDRESS’ while the other part, displayed as either ‘/24’ or ‘’ is the NETMASK also called the SUBNET MASK.
It appears that different snippets of
OpenCPN documentation reference different setting – even within the same document. For sake of brevity (given how networking functions), use for the time being.
As for where you enter the, re-read the netgear link I posted above – Step 8 is where you would enter See reference image/link below. Note: You do NOT need to enter a Gateway, nor do you enter DNS settings. Only enter the IP Address and Subnet Mask.
As for
OpenCPN Configuration - have you reviewed this page, and the linked pages? Aside from the
hardware, it covers installing the
plugin and usage. Look for the new radar icon in the OpenCPN toolbar – which will bring up the Radar
control panel. This is where you may need to switch between HD and xHD if it doesn’t find your radar.