Good morning Hubert.
I opened
OpenCPN late last night before turning in ... still fine. And opened again this morning ... still fine.
OpenCPN is as I expected, an incredibly powerful aid. I remember doing my ECDIS course (I'm a semi retired ship's Captain), it hit me very quickly just how powerful ENCs are. There are several options for the
delivery trip I'll be doing soon & I did in minutes last night what would have taken many hours as 2nd mate all those decades ago ! Also very powerful & quick @ chart corrections. I'm old fashioned, ok just old ! LOL & I still like paper
charts - I spent quite a few hundred $ on paper
charts for the
delivery but OpenCPN will be indispensible for
passage planning & monitoring.
I Googled Rangeboat 39. I
recall seeing them on the net when looking @ various
motor boats. I like the
concept, but of course to get 1 to Tasmania ? ! My background is
racing yachts but I'm sick of organising crew & the local scene has all but died so I've bought a
motor boat. Have attached photos of my
current motor
boat & last yacht for absolutely no reason whatsoever @ all.
Many thanks again for your perseverance Hubert, very much appreciated. I'll go to OpenCPN web page (think that's where I saw it) & donate ... if I can get that to
work ... hope it's PayPal. I still can't
work out how you offer this for free ?
Take care & thank you again, Brian