Delorme have recently released their latest gps/satellite product inReach for smartphones. It uses the world-spanning
Iridium satellites for 95% coverage and has two way communication for 150 characters of text. The connection between the inReach device and the smartphone is via bluetooth.
I would suggest that a
plugin for
OpenCPN be created,which connects to the inReach device via bluetooth,giving unprecedented position accuracy across the world with added
security. The cost of the inReach is only around $250.- and the 10 minute
tracking plan $25.- per month for unlimited
tracking points and 25 free messages per month.
The inReach data is displayed on a Delorme map page free of charge to keep
family,friends and others informed of your movements.
A challenge for our programers?
P.S. Free apps for
iPhone as well as Android are available now.