To answer your question, I do something similar with the SH GX2200. It does
work. I output AIS data (yellow +/white -) at 38400 baud to a wireless multiplexer that combines the boat's
Seatalk data and the GPS data (gray +/brown -) at 4800 baud to the
Icom M802
There are some NMEA output settings, section 15.11 in the manual, that select NMEA sentences are sent. By default, they are all turned off. Section 21.5 shows which sentences can be selected at 4800 or 38400 baud.
Do you have the
DB9 pinout data correct -- pin 2 RD, pin 3 TD and pin 5 ground?
One trick when working with serial data is to use a serial terminal emulation program, such as
Putty so you can easily set the COM
ports, baud rate, N-8-1, etc., and view the output NMEA sentennces. If you see a bunch of $GPXxxxxx, your
radio is properly sending NMEA data to the PC. That would point to OpenCPN and COM port settings, etc.
I also had a weird set of multiple
electrical grounds that introduced
noise into the
SSB. I'm assuming that my
Seatalk network and wireless multiplexer have common negative. I ended up disconnecting the AIS ground wire (white) to the multiplexer/wireless. Strange, but works fine.
Working with serial data sometimes can be a PIA -- I think you are pretty close to sorting this out,