I would like to install a development environment on my 8.1 device to be able to compile O.
The first problem is that VCC++2010 is recommended, not VCC++2012, but 2010 seems to be incompatible with W8.1 and it's VCC++2013 witch is proposed on Windows's site
Has somebody already done it and which version ?
Many Thanks
Did you actually try to install vs2010 or do you just assume that it is incompatible from the lack of explicit "is compatible" on the download page? I suppose there should be no problem. There also should be no problem using 2012 or 2013 for your local builds, but they will be incompatible with ours - as described a bit more on the build instructions page.
We did install vs2010 under W8.1 three weeks ago and the install process went ok.
Started up correctly and looked right.
No time since then to try things out.
Thanks to you all
The Installation process aborted with a message saying the device was not compatible. In fact I had a part of 2012 version pre-installed and I de-installed all.
Then I succeeded to install 2010
I just compiled O both in debug and release modes but I have still some problems with the debug function
Still some works
Jean Pierre