no issue - we are always interested to hear about chart sources.
The chart formats OCPN can digest directly you will find described here:
Chart Formats | Official OpenCPN Homepage
The ESRI shape format you are asking for is not supported.
GeoTIFF or GeoJSON neither.
You can transform this vector file into a raster file and geo-reference it to end up with a .kap file OCPN can read.
It would take some processing steps to go for example
Shape with UTM datum --> GeoTiff in WGS84 --> PNG with known geo-localization --> .kap
QGIS and the tools described in the chart chapter of the manual to convert a raster image into a .kap file will be required.
GDAL tool set library has an experimental module to produce S-57, but I fear that it is really experimental.
Or you have friendly soul who works with ArcGis Advanced - that's from ESRI and costs a fortune - then there is an option to export in S-57 format.
The easiest: If you can get the S-57 files mentioned on the Kartverket page, those would
work directly out of the box.