Hi Guys,
Is this the Logfile Location you require to help me further
12:33:59: 2012-09-24
12:33:59: -------Starting opencpn-------
12:33:59: Version 3.0.2 Build 2012-07-07
12:33:59: MemoryStatus: mem_total: 3947 mb, mem_initial: 8 mb
12:33:59: SData_Locn is C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\
12:33:59: Using existing Config_File: C:\ProgramData\opencpn\opencpn.ini
12:33:59: Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon -35.2215, 174.042
12:33:59: Setting Ownship Lat/Lon -35.2477, 174.12
12:33:59: System default Language: en_NZ
12:33:59 PM: Opencpn language set to: en_US
12:33:59 PM: ChartSymbols loaded from C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\s57data\chartsymbols.xml
12:34:00 PM: Using s57data in C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\s57data
12:34:00 PM: Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon -35.2215, 174.042
12:34:00 PM: Setting Ownship Lat/Lon -35.2477, 174.12
12:34:00 PM:
NMEA Data Source is....Serial:COM3
12:34:00 PM:
AIS Data Source is....None
12:34:00 PM: Using WVSChart datafile: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\wvsdata\wvs43.dat
12:34:00 PM:
NMEA AutoPilot Port is....None
12:34:00 PM: PlugInManager searching for PlugIns in location C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins
12:34:00 PM: PlugInManager: Loading
PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll
12:34:00 PM: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll Version detected: 106
12:34:00 PM: PlugInManager: Loading
PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll
12:34:00 PM: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll Version detected: 107
12:34:00 PM: OpenGL-> Renderer String: Intel(R) HD Graphics
12:34:00 PM: OpenGL-> Detected Intel renderer, disabling stencil buffer
12:34:00 PM: OpenGL-> Framebuffer Objects unavailable
12:34:00 PM: OpenGL-> Using
Depth buffer clipping
12:34:00 PM: OpenGL-> Estimated Max Resident Textures: 98
12:34:00 PM: ChartDB Cache policy: Application target is 1024 MBytes
12:34:00 PM: Loading chart db version: V016
12:34:00 PM: Chartdb: Chart directory list follows
12:34:00 PM: Chart directory #0: C:\Users\Phil\Documents\CM93
12:34:00 PM: GPS Watchdog Timeout is: 6 sec.
12:34:00 PM: OpenPD: 352, new_count = 1 for COM3
12:34:44 PM: opencpn::MyFrame exiting cleanly.
12:34:44 PM: Chart cache purge
12:34:44 PM: PlugInManager: UnLoading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll
12:34:44 PM: PlugInManager: UnLoading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll
12:34:44 PM: Stopping Secondary Thread
12:34:44 PM: ClosePD: 352, count_after_close = 0 for COM3
12:34:44 PM: and so CloseComPortPhysical
12:34:45 PM: Stopped in 1 sec.
12:34:45 PM: Chart cache purge
12:34:45 PM: LOGBOOK: 2012-09-24 19:34:45 UTC OFF: Lat -35.24768 Lon 174.12032 COG 136.46000 SOG 0.16
12:34:45 PM: opencpn::MyApp exiting cleanly...
12:59:10: 2012-09-24
12:59:10: -------Starting opencpn-------
12:59:10: Version 3.0.2 Build 2012-07-07
12:59:10: MemoryStatus: mem_total: 3947 mb, mem_initial: 8 mb
12:59:10: SData_Locn is C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\
12:59:10: Using existing Config_File: C:\ProgramData\opencpn\opencpn.ini
12:59:10: Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon -35.1904, 174.374
12:59:10: Setting Ownship Lat/Lon -35.2477, 174.12
12:59:10: System default Language: en_NZ
12:59:10 PM: Opencpn language set to: en_US
12:59:10 PM: ChartSymbols loaded from C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\s57data\chartsymbols.xml
12:59:11 PM: Using s57data in C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\s57data
12:59:11 PM: Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon -35.1904, 174.374
12:59:11 PM: Setting Ownship Lat/Lon -35.2477, 174.12
12:59:11 PM: NMEA Data Source is....Serial:COM3
12:59:11 PM:
AIS Data Source is....None
12:59:11 PM: Using WVSChart datafile: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\wvsdata\wvs43.dat
12:59:11 PM: NMEA
AutoPilot Port is....None
12:59:11 PM: PlugInManager searching for PlugIns in location C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins
12:59:11 PM: PlugInManager: Loading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll
12:59:11 PM: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll Version detected: 106
12:59:11 PM: PlugInManager: Loading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll
12:59:11 PM: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll Version detected: 107
12:59:11 PM: OpenPD: 352, new_count = 1 for COM3
12:59:11 PM: OpenGL-> Renderer String: Intel(R) HD Graphics
12:59:11 PM: OpenGL-> Detected Intel renderer, disabling stencil buffer
12:59:11 PM: OpenGL-> Framebuffer Objects unavailable
12:59:11 PM: OpenGL-> Using
Depth buffer clipping
12:59:11 PM: OpenGL-> Estimated Max Resident Textures: 98
12:59:11 PM: ChartDB Cache policy: Application target is 1024 MBytes
12:59:11 PM: Loading chart db version: V016
12:59:11 PM: Chartdb: Chart directory list follows
12:59:11 PM: Chart directory #0: C:\Users\Phil\Documents\CM93
12:59:11 PM: GPS Watchdog Timeout is: 6 sec.
1:00:00 PM: LOGBOOK: 2012-09-24 20:00:00 UTC GPS Lat -35.24773 Lon 174.12043 COG 13.03000 SOG 0.03
1:00:00 PM: Using bells sound file: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\sounds\2bells.wav
1:00:46 PM: EnumerateSerialPorts() Found
Garmin USB Driver.
1:01:28 PM: EnumerateSerialPorts() Found
Garmin USB Driver.
1:01:57 PM: EnumerateSerialPorts() Found Garmin USB Driver.
1:02:39 PM: opencpn::MyFrame exiting cleanly.
1:02:39 PM: Chart cache purge
1:02:39 PM: PlugInManager: UnLoading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/dashboard_pi.dll
1:02:39 PM: PlugInManager: UnLoading PlugIn: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\plugins/grib_pi.dll
1:02:39 PM: Stopping Secondary Thread
1:02:39 PM: ClosePD: 352, count_after_close = 0 for COM3
1:02:39 PM: and so CloseComPortPhysical
1:02:40 PM: Stopped in 1 sec.
1:02:40 PM: Chart cache purge
1:02:40 PM: LOGBOOK: 2012-09-24 20:02:40 UTC OFF: Lat -35.24781 Lon 174.12046 COG 137.00000 SOG 0.54
1:02:40 PM: opencpn::MyApp exiting cleanly...