Let me take a shot at this starting from the beginning:
- from your C:\ folder navigate your way into your programs folder (most likely named "C:\Program Files (x86)")
- from the program files folder navigate into your
Open CPN folder, ideally OpenCPN 3.2.2 (don't mess with trying to use Beta versions until you get your charts working)
- from the OpenCPN folder, navigate into the plugins folder. Here's where it gets complicated if you have installed various versions of OpenCPN - you will have more than one OpenCPN folder and consequently more than one plugins folder. My advice if you're in that situation is to uninstall everything and start clean so that you only have one OpenCPN
installation at least until you get this charts thing sorted out. Leave a window open to the plugins folder. If you don't want to go that
route then repeat each step that follows for every plugins folder on your computer.
- now you need to navigate to wherever you downloaded the BSB4 plugin which will have "bsb4_win32_pi15_v12_pi.dll" for a name. Copy that dll file and paste it into the plugin folder from the previous step
- open the
software (OpenCPN) and click on the wrench icon at the top of the
screen. Click on the "Plugins" tab in the window that opens and highlight the BSB4 plugin. Click "enable". Close the various windows that you have opened, close OpenCPN and reopen the
- You're not even close to done yet
- Click on the wrench icon again. Click on the "Charts" tab.
- At this point I am going to assume you have installed the CHS charts as they recommended which will have placed the charts in "C:\Chartkit" If that's not true then you're on your own.
- Click on "Add Directory". Select "C:\Chartkit\Encryption". Click on OK.
- Click on "Add Directory" again. This time select "C:\Chartkit" and again click OK. At this point you should get a full database
rebuild. If not, then select "force full database rebuild"
- Close everything and start OpenCPN again.
Let us know what you see at this point.