I have been developing an
Autopilot application for some years but I am new to the
Forums and
Posting so let me know if I am doing the wrong thing or communicating with the wrong area in
OpenCPN. A brief
history of my background is mentioned in thread “TCP/IP Help Required”.
OpenCPN I am now developing and bench testing some
Autopilot (AP)
software I wrote some 10 years ago. From an AP point of view I have some issues I would like to discuss regarding the output of
route data from OpenCPN.
The procedure to define and activate a
route if fine. The code to intercept the route from the
current ships position to the first waypoint (Wp) is fine also.
The following massage sequence will ill illustrate a problem for the AP:
19/11/2014 06:55:33: $GPRMC,085533.337,A,2810.208,S,15333.710,E,7.1,351 .2,191114,8.6,E*7A
19/11/2014 06:55:34: $ECRMB,A,0.024,L,,001,2810.167,S,15333.666,E,0.056 ,316.510,7.100,V*32
19/11/2014 06:55:34: $ECAPB,A,A,0.024,L,N,V,V,342.270,T,001,316.510,T,3 16.510,T*34
This massage sequence is typical of
tracking data before approaching the To_Waypoint (ToWp).
19/11/2014 06:55:34: $GPRMC,085534.352,A,2810.206,S,15333.710,E,7.1,351 .2,191114,8.6,E*70
19/11/2014 06:55:35: $ECRMB,A,0.025,L,,001,2810.167,S,15333.666,E,0.054 ,315.062,7.100,A*25
19/11/2014 06:55:35: $ECAPB,A,A,0.025,L,N,A,V,342.270,T,001,315.062,T,3 15.062,T*22
This is the data stream at the end of a leg as the ship approaches the ToWp. The APB fields changes from “V,V” to “A,V” to indicate that the “Arrival Circle Entered”. Depending on circumstances this may not be early enough.
19/11/2014 06:55:35: $GPRMC,085535.365,A,2810.204,S,15333.709,E,7.1,351 .2,191114,8.6,E*7F
19/11/2014 06:55:36: $ECRMB,A,0.010,R,001,002,2810.096,S,15333.542,E,0. 183,306.363,7.100,V*19
19/11/2014 06:55:36: $ECAPB,A,A,0.010,R,N,V,V,303.093,T,002,306.363,T,3 06.363,T*24
It is not until this RMB is received that the Next_ Waypoint (NxWp) is defined.
From a
navigation and AP point of view this is too late to get the NxWp data. The transition from
current leg to the next can be very different dependent on data. Speed, turn rate, turn radius, set all have an influence.
I would prefer that the Route message RTE or a sequential list of Wp data WPL was transmitted. At the very least provide the NxWp data just after the leg data is transmitted. Amended data can be resent using the Wp ID as key.
It is the responsibility of the ECS to manage the route data and supply the AP with the data in a timely manner. It is the responsibility of the AP to use the data to manage the
helm to achieve an accurate
navigation outcome.
I Think OpenCPN is a great electronic charting system and an AP will not go amiss.
Looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Thank you.