If setting up openploter with opencpn, I have found extreme difficulty in getting gps data reliably into opencpn in last few weeks. The docs and you tube videos etc are an absolute jungle of mis leading information and the "documents" section under "help" are also fraustrating in openplotter. There are multi ways to get from the gps into opencpn - GPSD-UDP_Signal K etc etc. It is a pot porrie of combinations and permutations of port protocol and intermediate server. And avail. info fails to bring it together is an understandable way unless you have a degree in computer
software or what ever. Me I just want to
plug it in and have an economical chart plotter/autopilot..... Good luck. The only good way I found is to first use the "serial" and post the gps to USBD ...then go the opencpn connections and add
network input GPSD and the defaults that show without changing them. Port default should show as 2947. I can elaborate if anyone gets stuck. If other methods are used it either does not show the
nmea 0183 data in the opencpn debugger and the debugger message does not update with
current fix time, and the red boat/gps bars will not show. If simply using opencpn on
laptop etc the above does not apply