Originally Posted by AedanC
If you are good with computers you could install kplex (one of the components of openplotter) on a Pi zero for even less cost and power consumption. It can talk NMEA over WiFi and RS422, the latter with a USB adaptor.
Maybe I need to do a bit of investigation into Pi and/or Arduino. I have heard of Raspberry Pi but never looked into it and have "0" knowledge there, wouldn't know where to start!
As for Arduino, until yesterday I had never heard of it, I was looking in fleabay for an
RS232 or serial to bluetooth adapter and up popped loads of Arduino modules for a couple of £s.....I had to
google arduino to see what it was!
My thinking is basically, I have AIS at 38400 coming out of my NASA AIS
engine (which I also feed an old NMEA GPS into), This currently goes into my palmtop PC running OpenCPN on Ubuntu via an
RS232 to USB converter (which works, but I always have to plug/unplug it's USB connection a few times before OpenCPN sees it, - a tad annoying, but works and gives OpenCPN (on my palmtop) position and AIS). I also have NMEA 4800 i/p available at my autopilot computer (Raymarine S3) so I should be able to control my autopilot by inputting here at 4800, this would need a 2nd RS232 connection because of the different baud rate.
To use my Android tablet I could use Bluetooth or Wifi to control some other unit (Pi or Arduino) which talks via 2 rs232
ports to receive AIS at 38400 and talks at 4800 to the S3.
Problem is I don't know where to start with Pi or Arduino.
I'm an old
school (retired)
electronics engineer who grew up with valves (tubes), and discrete components and all the 7400 series of logic IC's. I have dabbled with a few PIC micro's. I also have a wife who frowns if I buy elecronic bits costing more than a few quid (£'s).
Research needed first before spend I guess!