I tryed uploading files
opencpn.log.log and
opencpn.log but it came up as invavid file.
This is from the log file 07:35:51: 2012-07-27
07:35:51: -------Starting opencpn-------
07:35:51: Version 3.0.2 Build 2012-07-07
07:35:51: MemoryStatus: mem_total: 8191 mb, mem_initial: 8 mb
07:35:51: SData_Locn is D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenCPN\
07:35:51: Using existing Config_File: D:\ProgramData\opencpn\opencpn.ini
07:35:51: Error: Failed to convert file "D:\ProgramData\opencpn\opencpn.ini" to Unicode.
07:35:51: Warning: can't open user configuration file 'D:\ProgramData\opencpn\opencpn.ini'.
07:35:51: Setting Viewpoint Lat/Lon 33.358, -79.282
07:35:51: Setting Ownship Lat/Lon 33.358, -79.282
07:35:51: File D:\ProgramData\opencpn\navobj.xml seems not to be well-formed UTF-8 XML, used fallback ASCII format conversion - some text information might have not been imported.